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    来源:    发布时间:2014-12-22

    本文导语:  12309.php是一款高级的webshell。它主要致力于利用所有可能的方式执行shell命令。 主要特性如下: - you could choose desired function to execute code with (+pcntl_exec +ssh2_exec)  - internal Perl, Python and SSI mini-webshells - save them to disk and run, if php syste...



- you could choose desired function to execute code with (+pcntl_exec +ssh2_exec)
 - internal Perl, Python and SSI mini-webshells - save them to disk and run, if php system functions are disabled
 - backconnect/bind port on PHP, Python, and "classic" perl and C backconnect/bind. Also there are several small one-line backconnects on different languages, useful too coz they do not need to save temporary file somewhere
 - fully interactive backconnect on Python (yes, you can run even vim & mc via backconnect!)
 - on old php versions (such as 5.1.6, 5.2.9) this script could bypass open_basedir and read other users` files (if you`re running it with webserver`s rights, i.e. kind of apache-mpm-prefork or -worker, not kind of -itk or -peruser, and if your account is not in chroot/jail). Also there is ability to read files with mysql and with usual file_get_contents
 - nice ex




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