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C++ Queues(队列) 成员 empty():如果队列空则返回真


    本文导语: C++ Queues(队列) 成员 empty():如果队列空则返回真 empty 语法: bool empty(); empty()函数返回真(true)如果队列为空,否则返回假(false)。

c++ queues(队列) 成员 empty():如果队列空则返回真



  bool empty();


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    本文标题:C++ Queues(队列) 成员 empty():如果队列空则返回真
  • C++ Double Ended Queues 成员 begin():returns an iterator to the first element
  • C++ Double Ended Queues 成员 get_allocator():returns the dequeue's allocator
  • C++ Double Ended Queues 成员 resize():change the size of the dequeue
  • C++ Double Ended Queues 成员 assign():set the values of the dequeue
  • C++ Double Ended Queues 成员 size():return the number of elements in the dequeue
  • C++ Double Ended Queues 成员 end():returns an iterator to the end of the queue
  • C++ Double Ended Queues 成员 insert():insert elements into the dequeue
  • C++ Double Ended Queues 成员 rbegin():returns a reverse iterator to the end of the dequeue
  • C++ Double Ended Queues 成员 rend():returns a reverse iterator to the beginning of the dequeue
  • C++ Double Ended Queues 成员 max_size():returns the maximum elements that the dequeue can hold
  • C++ Double Ended Queues 成员 push_front():add an element to the front of the dequeue
  • C++ Double Ended Queues 成员 push_back():add an element to the end of the dequeue

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